

To resign membership please follow the steps below:

1.  Cancel your recurring direct debit with your bank.  [This automatically flags to Gardens Administration of the change in membership status.]  Gardens Administration must also be advised  that you have cancelled. Please do this by emailing to the most recent email received from us listed in your WebCollect Account.

2.  Return your key(s) by post to:

Gardens Administration, The Dean Gardens, P.O. Box No. 13110, Dunbar,

EH42 9BJ

Ordinary mail is acceptable but please sellotape your key(s) to some folded paper or card so that they do not work their way out of the envelope in the post.

Alternatively, keys can be hand delivered through the letterbox at 13 Eton Terrace in an envelope marked for the attention of Gardens Administration. Please advise the Administrator Maureen Auld once you have done this.

3.  Upon return of the key(s) all your membership information held in WebCollect and GoCardless will be deleted. 


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